Sunday, July 14, 2013

Baptized with the Holy Spirit

   Lately I've been curious about what it means to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and have decided that I think being baptized with the Holy Spirit isn't actually connected to being baptized with water. In the dictionary there are separate definitions for the for the word 'baptize.' One says that it is the Christian ritual of immersion, sprinkling, or pouring water on someone. The second says it is a spiritual cleansing. In Matthew 3:11 John baptized with water but says Jesus will later baptize with the Holy Spirit. Because of these things I think that being baptized with water is definition 1 and being baptized with the Holy Spirit is definition 2. They are two separate things, an outward sign and an inward change.
   So, my belief is that being baptized with the holy spirit stands alone, without need for water. In this case, is being baptized with the Holy Spirit anything more than an inward change? I think so.
   I think that being baptized with the Holy Spirit means to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts 2 tells us how the Holy Spirit descended on the the 12 disciples/apostles with rushing wind and fire and enabled them to speak in other tongues and filled them. I would say that this is what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit but I think I'm filled with the Holy Spirit and haven't encounter any flaming tongues, literal or metaphorical. So, I think that while being baptized means to be filled with the Holy Spirit, it isn't necessarily in such as way. 
   When you're baptized with the Holy Spirit it fills you and supplies you with all you need to do God's work. At that point I think the apostles needed visible and obvious evidence of God's fulfilled promise of a helper as well as the ability to communicate. When we are baptized with the Holy Spirit it fills us as well, and not just in a different way but in the way we personally need.

p.s. I'm sorry this post is particularly choppy but I'm not a super great writer yet and often can't get things to flow on paper the way they connect in my head. :(

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