Thursday, October 17, 2013

1 Corinthians 3:10-15

   1 Cor. 3:10-15 (which I would recommend reading before proceeding to read this post) is Paul talking about the foundation of Jesus Christ that the Corinthians had. He basically tells them that their foundation(Jesus) will never fail but they must build upon it (the building is their faith walk) so that it will withstand fire (judgement). 
   I thought this was a really cool analogy because it is similar to many others but not quite the same. Two I'm reminded of in particular are building your house on the rock and being refined through fire. I think they are neat because although they were written by different people a different times, they all build on each other. First, we should build our house on the rock or base our lives of Jesus Christ. Secondly, we build up a big, beautiful house or allow God to work inside us and in our lives so that His richness shows on the outside too. Thirdly, our houses are tested by fire to see whether they are strong enough to withstand it or God will judge our life with Him based on whether we truly allowed Him to do the building or spent our lives creating a fake. 
   Anyway, that's what I was thinking about when I read that passage this morning. And all before 7 a.m.! :)