Monday, December 16, 2013


  Lately I've been slightly distraught over how little we actually focus on Jesus during His birthday (aka CHRISTmas). And though I still wish He got the attention, what CHRISTmas has become in our society reveals some of the character of Jesus. 
   For instance, it's customary to receive gifts on your birthday but on Jesus' birthday everyone else receives gifts. Jesus gave us the gift of Himself on the day of His birth so others got a huge gift from Jesus even before people started to give each other gifts! The funny thing about the gift Jesus gave us of Himself and our salvation is that it's the biggest gift possible for us receive and yet we write thank you notes to the small ones people give instead of for the most important gift ever given. That represents who Jesus is. We would never dream of letting our siblings have our presents and decide what to do on our birthday but Jesus lets us. He is generous and selfless. 
   When you ask people what their favorite day of the year is they usually respond with "CHRISTmas because it's such a happy day." This is slightly ironic because the happiness that comes from presents and seeing you family is temporary and that is usually what people are talking about. It is the joy that Jesus offers that can keep you in the CHRISTmas mood all year round.
   The CHRISTmas mood is another weird thing about CHRISTmas. It's pretty much the fact that people are nicer during the CHRISTmas season because they are looking forward to breaks and presents. Only when you pass the superficial level of CHRISTmas 
and let the magnitude of Jesus birth sink in do you find real joy and a new, lasting reason to be kind and loving all year.
   So yeah, that's pretty much me doing a little ranting about the stupidity of the human race which has replaced lasting joy with happiness and a fat man. 

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